General terms and conditions

Article 1: Scope of application

1.1. These General Terms and Conditions govern the contractual relationship between NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM BV, with its registered office at No. 520 A, Brusselsesteenweg, 2800 Mechelen, company number 0631.906.597, RPR Antwerp, arrondissement of Mechelen (hereafter "NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM") and the Customer, be that concluded by telephone, at NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's offices (hereafter the "Physical Purchases"), or via the website (hereafter the "Website").

1.2. In these General Terms and Conditions by"Customer" it is understood to mean a company as defined in Art I.1.1) of the Code of Economic Law to whom NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM sends an offer or provides advice, be that via the Website, and that places an order with NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM or with whom NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM intends to conclude or has concluded an agreement, or to whom NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM provides services.

1.3. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all activities, order confirmations, advice and invoices undertaken or issued by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM to the Customer, to all agreements between NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM and the Customer, and to all orders placed by a Customer on the Website. These Terms and Conditions comprise an integral part of the agreement with the customer. They can only be deviated from in writing.

1.4. These General Terms and Conditions apply to contractual relationships established at the Belgian branches of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM or to orders placed in Belgium via the Website, specifying a delivery address within Belgium.

1.5.The Customer's Terms and Conditions (of Purchase) only apply if explicitly confirmed in writing by both parties for approval in Special Terms and Conditionsprior to implementation of the order or agreement. For NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM, application of the Terms and Conditions of Sale listed below is an essential proviso for the conclusion of the agreement.

1.6. With regard to Physical Purchases, prior to concluding the agreement or placing an order, the Customer acknowledges to be in receipt of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, and to be cognisant of what they entail. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM asks the Customer to accept these prior to the conclusion of the agreement, by signing the offer, confirming it by e-mail or by any other explicitly written manner. Pursuant to common law, acceptance of the invoice also entails acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions.

Prior to placing an order via the Website, the Customer acknowledges to be cognisant of the contents of these General Terms and Conditions. The General Terms and Conditions are always available for perusal on the Website. By placing an order via the Website, the Customer explicitly agrees to the content and applicability of these General Terms and Conditions covering the sales agreement to be concluded. To this end, prior to completing the order, the Customer must tick the checkbox next to the statement "Agree with the General Terms and Conditions".  The Customer shall also be emailed a copy of these General Terms and Conditions once the purchase is complete.

1.7. Should one or more provisions of these Terms and Conditions be wholly or partially excessive or null & void, or should be annulled, this shall not result in the nullity of the remaining General Terms and Conditions. The parties undertake to replace the null & void clause with a legally valid clause; one that corresponds (as closely as possible) to the parties' original intention.

1.8. In addition to these General Terms and Conditions, NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM and the Customer may make further special agreements which govern the relationship between the parties.  These are only valid and can only prevail over these General Terms and Conditions if they have been explicitly concluded in writing.

1.9. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM retains the right to amend or modify its General Terms and Conditions at any time. These amended terms and conditions shall only apply once the Customer has effectively become cognisant of them and explicitly agreed to them.

1.10. The Dutch-language version of the General Terms and Conditions is the original version and, in the event of discrepancies, shall always take precedence over any translation made available for information purposes.

1.11. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM is entitled at any time to assign all or part of its rights and obligations under the agreement(s) with the Customer to a third party. The Customer may only assign its agreement(s) with NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM, or any rights or obligations arising therefrom, to third parties with NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's prior written consent.

Article 2: Price and offers

2.1. All prices are listed in Euros, are exclusive of VAT, import duties or other levies and do not include any additional costs (e.g. transport, packaging, shipping, and/or delivery costs), unless explicitly stated otherwise. Any increase in the VAT rate or any other taxes between placing the order and its implementation shall be covered by the customer.

2.2. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM retains the right to correct any typographical errors regarding the quotation.

2.3. Price quotations are always provided free of obligation, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. A quotation remains valid for one month, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing.

2.4. Orders are accepted subject to sufficient stock and manufacturing capabilities on the part of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM.

2.5. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM may unilaterally amend prices should these price changes be due to objective circumstances beyond its control, such as changes in delivery costs, purchase costs, production costs, raw materials, energy prices, etc. This list of objective circumstances is not exhaustive and applies by way of example.   

Prices listed on the Website may also be changed from time to time. The Customer should check the price at the time of placing an order. This price will be applied to the order.

2.6.The cost of taking measurements, weights, etc., placing or sourcing of materials, as well as other additional work to be carried out shall be covered by the Customer, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing.

2.7. Price discounts must be agreed in writing per order. 

2.8.Orders must be placed in writing at the NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM shop or via the Website or must be confirmed in writing after placing a verbal or telephone order.

Orders relating to Physical Purchases are only binding and valid at the point of their written confirmation by the authorised person at NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM. The agreement is deemed to have been concluded either on the date of dispatch of our written confirmation of the order or on the date of signing the agreement.

Orders via the Website are only considered placed once the last step of the ordering process has been completed, and as soon as the Customer has received their order confirmation and invoice by e-mail. This invoice can be printed by the Customer.

2.9. If the Customer has specific requirements regarding the production, packaging, transport, etc. of the goods purchased, these must be communicated prior to placing an order or otherwise be explicitly stipulated in the agreement so that NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM can take these costs into account in its pricing. If this is not the case, NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM retains the right to pass on these additional costs in full to the Customer.

Article 3: Invoicing and payment

3.1. Invoices are payable in cash at the registered office of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM or with immediate eddect via the Website using the payment methods provided, or by bank transfer, unless explicitly agreed otherwise between the parties.

After placing an order via the Website, the Customer is directed to a payment page with a request to pay for the order. As soon as the payment is registered, the Customer will receive an order confirmation on the Website and by e-mail. The payment provider for the NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM webshop is *.

3.2. Invoices not paid immediately are payable within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of the invoice, unless explicitly agreed otherwise between the parties.

3.3. If the invoice is not paid (in full) on the due date, and starting from the due date, an interest of 10% per month will be automatically payable, without anynotice of default being required, on the understanding that the applicable interest rate can never be lower than the interest rate applicable at that time, pursuant to the Act of 2 August 2002 on combating late payment in commercial transactions.

Moreover, the invoice will be increased by a flat-rate compensation for late payment if the Customer fails to make payment within one month of the invoice due date, equal to 10% of the invoice amount, with a minimum of EUR 200 per invoice.

All this is without prejudice to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's right to demonstrate and seek compensation for higher damages.

3.4.NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM may request full or partial prepayment from the Customer.

3.5.The Customer shall at all times remain jointly and severally liable for the payment of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's invoices, even if NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM has agreed to draw up the invoices in the name of third parties.

3.6.Any objections regarding the invoice must be addressed to the head office of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM by registered mail, stating the reasons behind the objection and this within eight (8) calendar days upon receipt of the invoice.

3.7. In the event of non-payment of an invoice, all outstanding, even not yet due invoices, shall automatically become payable, without notice of default.

3.8. In case of late payment of an (advance) invoice, NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM retains the right to i) suspend the delivery, if it has not yet taken place and/or ii) immediately cease service provision and only resume it once payment of all outstanding and due invoices has been made. It may also refuse new orders.

3.9. The Customer shall not be permitted to offset any claim they have against NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM against the claims whichNAUTA SIGN BELGIUM has against the Customer, unless NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM has given explicit prior consent to do so.

3.10. In the event a refund needs to be made, the price will be reimbursed via the payment details and bank account used at the time of paying the invoice or order. The price to be reimbursed is the purchase price including VAT but excluding delivery costs.

Article 4: Retention of title

4.1. All sold, delivered, installed goods and/or materials remain the property of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM for as long as the full price (principal, interest and costs) remains unpaid. 

4.2. As long as ownership has not been transferred from NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM to the Customer, the latter may not dispose of, pledge or encumber any other right on the sold goods. Moreover, in such an instance, NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM is entitled to take back the goods already delivered. The Customer is obliged to disclose this retention of title to third parties.

4.3.This retention of title clause remains applicable in the event of Customer bankruptcy and other cases of concurrence. Retention of title remains in place even if the goods are processed, mixed or replaced. In the event of possible seizure of these goods, the Customer is obliged to inform NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM without delay.

4.4.Should the goods nevertheless be disposed of the retention of title automatically extends to the claim based on this transfer.

4.5.The Customer undertakes to perform all acts that are necessary or useful in the preservation or realisation of the retention of title and/or, in the case of disposal of the goods, the claim related to this transfer of the goods.

4.6. This retention of title clause shall be subject to any differing INCOTERM® (2020) agreed by the parties, which shall take precedence in such case.

Article 5: Risk

5.1. Notwithstanding retention of title, upon leaving NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's warehouse, all risks shall pass to the Customer, and all costs shall be covered by the Customer. If the goods are collected by the Customer, the Customer must collect the goods, at the latest, within a period of 1 month after NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM has notified the Customer that the goods are ready for collection. In the event of a delay in taking delivery or cancelling an order by the Customer, or in the event of any other cause that cannot be attributed to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM, all risks shall pass to the Customer at the time the Customer is notified that the order is ready for collection.

5.2. This transfer of risk clause shall be subject to any differing INCOTERM® (2020) agreed by the parties, which shall take precedence in such case.

Article 6: Intellectual property

6.1. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM solely and exclusively owns the industrial and intellectual property rights. At no time are the intellectual property rights of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM transferred to the Customer, unless the parties explicitly agree otherwise in writing.

The Customer shall inform NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM by return of any (potential) infringement and shall indemnify NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM against any damage resulting from an infringement of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's industrial or intellectual property rights by the Customer or its personnel, directors, appointees and/or contracting parties. The Customer shall inform NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM by return of any (potential) infringement and shall indemnify NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM against any damage resulting from an infringement of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's industrial or intellectual property rights by the Customer or its personnel, directors, appointees and/or contracting parties. In case of breach of this provision by the Customer, or its personnel, directors, appointees and/or contracting parties, the Customer shall pay NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM a flat-rate compensation equal to a minimum of ten thousand Euros (EUR 10,000.00) per breach, to be increased by one thousand Euros (EUR 1,000.00) per day that the breach continues after the day on which the first breach occurred; all this without prejudice to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's right to claim compensation for additional proven damages. No offsetting or compensation can be applied to the payment of these damages.

6.2.The Customer explicitly acknowledges NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's right to use photos of the product/service delivered to the Customer's environment as a reference.

6.3. All documents, materials, machines, intellectual property rights, ideas, working methods, software, models, drawings, sketches, designs, photographs, films, images, texts, descriptions, manuals, techniques, accessories, tools, etc. produced or developed by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM when providing advice, quotations or estimates, or during and/or within the framework of the implementation of the agreement, are and remain the property of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM, regardless of whether an agreement is concluded between the parties.

6.4. The Customer is prohibited from copying the aforementioned items or intellectual property rights, using them personally or giving them to third parties for inspection or use.

6.5.Upon NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's first request, the Customer shall return to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM the documents or other intellectual property rights made available by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM without delay, and at the latest within 5 working days.

Article 7: Non-disclosure

7.1.The Customer undertakes to keep all confidential information received from NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM secret. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, all information communicated shall be deemed confidential.

The Customer is therefore prohibited from communicating in any way, directly or indirectly, the information communicated by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM to third parties. The Customer shall ensure that this provision is complied with by its staff, directors, appointees and contracting parties. In case of breach of this provision by the Customer, or its personnel, directors, appointees and/or contracting parties, the Customer shall pay NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM a flat-rate compensation equal to a minimum of ten thousand Euros (EUR 10,000.00) per breach, to be increased by one thousand Euros (EUR 1,000.00) per day that the breach continues after the day on which the first breach occurred; all this without prejudice to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's right to claim compensation for additional proven damages. No offsetting or compensation can be applied to the payment of these damages.

Article 8: Delivery and implementation

8.1. Unless otherwise agreed with the Customer, deliveries shall be made to the registered office of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM. 8.2. If it is agreed with the Customer to deliver the goods to the Customer, delivery shall be made to the address provided by the Customer. The associated costs of delivery (and potential transport) shall be charged to the Customer.

8.3.If it has been agreed that NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM shall be responsible for the shipment of the goods, NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM is not obliged to insure the goods, unless explicitly agreed otherwise. Moreover, the mode of transport is at NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's discretion.

8.4.The delivery and implementation deadlines are informative and therefore purely indicative. Exceeding a communicated delivery or implementation deadline does not prevent the Customer from fulfilling its obligations in accordance with the agreement. Delays in delivery or implementation can at no time give rise to compensation, cancellation of an order or dissolution of the agreement.

8.5.Partial deliveries by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM are permitted and shall be invoiced accordingly.

8.6.In case of delivery on demand, the entire order must be taken by the Customer within one month of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's notification of preparedness for delivery. If this term is exceeded, NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM shall be entitled (i) to deliver the order to the Customer after prior written notice and at the Customer's expense and/or (ii) to charge a fixed monthly fee of 2% of the total invoice amount for the storage of the goods, commencing from the notification of the placing of the goods at NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's disposal.

8.7.In the event an agreement involves the sale and/or licensing of software and/or computer systems unless otherwise agreed in writing, the use of these goods shall be permitted at the workplace designated by the Customer. The Customer is explicitly prohibited from using the software and/or licences, be that for their own benefit or provided in copied form to a third party. Violation of the provisions in this article entitles NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM to rescind this agreement and recover full compensation for any damages incurred.

Article 9: Termination and cancellation

9.1. The contract between the parties may be terminated by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM without cost or compensation at the Customer's expense should the Customer be in a state of suspension of payments, be in a state of bankruptcy, apply for a judicial or amicable settlement, cease all or part of its business activity or proceed to liquidation, in the event of a change in the Customer's circumstances, such as death, disqualification, incarceration or any other limitation of ability; awareness of a ban on management within the Customer's company; in the event of a change of control in the Customer's organisational structure; in the event of the Customer failing to fulfil one or more of its obligations; proceeding with a merger or division as well as in the event all or part of its assets are seized. All invoices, including those not yet due at that time, shall become payable with immediate effect. All this is without prejudice to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's right to claim higher (in)direct damages (such as, inter alia, loss of earnings), to be shown as costs and reimbursed. The lost profit is minimally estimated at one-quarter of the total agreement amount, without prejudice to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's right to prove and be compensated for higher damages.

The agreement shall then be terminated on the date of dispatch of a registered letter, addressed to the Customer by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM for that purpose. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM shall also be entitled to reclaim all goods delivered but not yet paid for by the Customer.

9.2.In the event of cancellation of an agreement entered into by the Customer, be that verbally or in writing, a flat-rate compensation equal to 30% of the invoice amount shall be payable to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM, without prejudice to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's right to prove and be compensated for higher damages. Orders containing products produced and/or purchased especially for the Customer cannot be cancelled. Accordingly, in such instances, the Customer shall owe the agreed price in full.

9.3. In the event of refusal of receipt upon delivery, and without prejudice to Article 12.1 of these General Terms and Conditions, similarly, a flat-rate compensation shall be payable to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM equal to 30% of the invoice amount.

Article 10: Liability

10.1. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM shall not be liable for damages of any kind, except for direct damages caused by its own intent or gross negligence or those of its appointees, unless the parties explicitly agree otherwise in writing.

10.2. In any case, the potential compensation amount shall be limited to the amount agreed between the parties for the contested assignment. However, should NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM nonetheless be insured for the relevant claim, the compensation shall under no circumstances exceed the amount to be paid in this regard by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's insurer.

10.3. The Customer acknowledges that the recovery of damages caused by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's failure to comply with a contractual obligation contained in these General Terms and Conditions shall be governed, within the legal limits, exclusively by the rules of contract law, even if the event giving rise to the damages also constitutes an unlawful act.

10.4. The Customer acknowledges and explicitly agrees that, within the legal limits, the reparation of damages caused by the non-compliance of a contractual obligation by an agent purely constitutes grounds for a contractual claim against the principal debtor and does not constitute grounds for an extra-contractual claim against the agent, even if the event giving rise to the damages also constitutes an unlawful act.

10.5. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM enters into a best-efforts obligation when carrying out its activities.

10.6. Barring proof to the contrary, the quantities stipulated on delivery notes, or similar documents, shall be deemed to be correct. In any case, NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM can in no way be held liable for, nor vouch for, any costs relating to an incorrect specification of sizes, quantities, dimensions, etc. by the customer. Any resultant additional costs would in such an instance be allocated to the Customer.

10.7. Furthermore, NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM can not be held liable for designs, drawings, advice or instructions provided by the Customer or third parties.

10.8.NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM shall not be held liable for any damages if the communicated technical specifications, and assembly, installation & maintenance instructions are not complied with by the Customer, if the Customer makes improper use of the delivered items or if the Customer has changes or repairs made without the express consent of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM.

10.9.NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM cannot be held liable for damages resulting from processing of the goods by the Customer.

10.10.The goods to be delivered and work to be performed by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM are delivered/performed in compliance with the tolerances specified by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM for that product, with regard to dimensions, weights, colours, design, typeface, thickness, hardness, quality, further implementation, etc. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM is not liable for any deviation in colour, quality, design, weight, dimension, typeface, thickness, hardness, further implementation, etc. These are only given as approximations. Minor deviations from the usual tolerances shall at no time constitute grounds for damage compensation or rescission of the contract by the Customer.Furthermore, tolerances of up to 3% with regard to the quantities delivered by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM are permitted.

For goods delivered by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM without any further processing other than installation by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM, only the specifications and tolerances specified by the manufacturer/producer apply. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM is not liable for deviations from specifications provided by the manufacturer/producer.

10.11.NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM cannot be held liable for the occurrence of faults in the delivered systems, nor for damages resulting from errors or bugs in the application software. The Customer is responsible for making timely backups. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM cannot be held liable for lost data.

10.12.NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM cannot guarantee the suitability of the goods for the purposes proposed by the Customer unless suitability has been explicitly confirmed in writing. It is the Customer's responsibility to ascertain the suitability of the products.

10.13. The Customer shall indemnify NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM against any direct or indirect loss of image, which it may incur as a result of the Customer's actions or omissions.

10.14. Application of article 5.90, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code is excluded from the contractual relationship between NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM and the Customer.

10.15.The Customer undertakes at no time to invoke the liability of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's directors.

10.16. The Customer shall indemnify NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM against all claims by third parties who may incur damages in connection with the execution implementation of the agreement, for which the cause is not attributable to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM. In the event third parties bring legal actions against NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM, the Customer shall be required to assist NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM both extra-judicially and judicially and to do all that may be expected of them with immediate effect. Should the Customer fail to take adequate measures, NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM shall be entitled, without notice of default, to take such measures itself. All resultant costs and damages incurred by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM and third parties shall be entirely at the Customer's expense and risk.

10.17. Should certain supplied inks contain substances that are harmful to humans/animals and the environment, this shall be explicitly declared in the technical specifications and/or on the product packaging. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM cannot be held liable for this.

10.18. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM cannot be held liable for the loss of data (including secret descriptions, drawings, codes and systems) or, despite careful preservation and the adoption of adequate technical and organisational measures, any damages incurred as a result of a data leak or any other breach where data is unlawfully obtained.

Article 11: Force majeure and impracticability

11.1. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM is not liable in situations of force majeure (e.g. war, martial law, strike, blockade, boycott, lock-out, energy outages, lack of raw materials, theft, vandalism, fire, flood, epidemic or pandemic, quarantine, state-imposed import and export ban restrictions, full or partial seizure or requisitioning of supplies from us or our suppliers by the civil or military authorities, logistical problems at third parties, incomplete, untimely or non-compliance by suppliers (regardless of the cause), as well as all other causes beyond the control of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM) which could lead to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM being absolutely incapable of meeting its obligations (in a timely manner). NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's obligations shall be suspended for the duration of the force majeure. Should the force majeure situation last longer than 30 working days, NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM may terminate the agreement without being liable for any compensation.

11.2. In case of changed circumstances, the debtor may request renegotiation of the agreement or order for a maximum period of 14 calendar days if (i) the changed circumstances excessively interfere with the implementation of the agreement, in the sense that normal implementation of the agreement can no longer reasonably be expected, (ii) the change was unforeseeable at the time of concluding the agreement, (iii) the change is non-attributable to the debtor, (iv) the debtor has not assumed the risk and (v) the law does not exclude this possibility. Changed circumstances include: a change in legislation or established case law, an increase in fuel prices, an increase in raw material, import or export restrictions imposed by a government, an increase in production costs, an increase in labour costs, and an increase in energy prices. During negotiations, the parties' obligations are suspended.

Article 12: Complaints

12.1.The Customer must check the goods immediately upon receipt and should report any non-conformity, incorrect quantities or visible defects to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM straight away. For goods collected from NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM's warehouses, the Customer must report such non-conformity immediately upon collection. The goods are deemed to have been accepted by the Customer as soon as they have been collected. For other goods, the Customer must report any non-conformity to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM by registered post, along with reasons for doing so, within 72 hours of delivery.

12.2. Any complaints regarding hidden defects must reach NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM by registered post, along with reasons for doing so, within eight (8) calendar days of discovery of the hidden defect, and in any event, within 12 months of delivery.

The Customer shall fully cooperate with regard to the complaint and shall provide all necessary or requested information to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM. If the complaint is accepted by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM, NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM shall be entitled, at its own discretion, to proceed with (i) repair of the goods, (ii) replacement of the goods, (iii) price reduction if the good is still usable despite to the defect or (iv) rescission of the agreement (subject to reimbursement by NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM and return of the defective good by the Customer). Except in cases of intent on the part of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM, the Customer shall not be entitled to additional compensation.

12.3.No valid complaint can be submitted outside the specified time limits. 

12.4.Consumed goods - except where the defect only becomes discernible through use - are deemed to have been approved by the Customer. No complaint can be submitted for this. Once the expiry date stated on the product has passed, no more complaints can be made.

12.5The Customer is not permitted to suspend fulfilment of their obligations on the basis of a submitted complaint.

12.6.Goods can only be returned with the written consent of NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM. Where applicable, the goods must be returned within 30 calendar days in their original packaging, with a return slip stating the Customer's name and the reason for the return.

12.7.In case NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM has accepted the return of goods at the Customer's request without being legally obliged to do so, NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM shall be entitled to charge any depreciation on the refund of the returned goods. Moreover, NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM retains the right to charge a flat-rate compensation to the amount of EUR 35.00, as well as any costs incurred to render the good ready for resale.

Article 13: Data protection

13.1. NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM undertakes to respect the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation to the best of its ability.

13.2. The Customer hereby explicitly confirms that all data transferred to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM was collated and processed by the Customer in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Accordingly, the Customer shall indemnify NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM in the event they receive a claim from a natural person whose data was collated and/or processed by the Customer and subsequently transferred to NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM.

Article 14: Applicable law and jurisdiction

14.1. All legal relations between NAUTA SIGN BELGIUM and the Customer are exclusively subject to Belgian law. The applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention is explicitly excluded.

14.2.In the event of a dispute, at all times the parties shall first endeavour to reach an amicable resolution via mutual consultation. If the dispute cannot be resolved in this manner, the courts of the judicial district of Antwerp, in the Mechelen arrondissement, shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

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