Summa S One D120

Summa S One cutting plotter with drag knife technology for cutting up to 129,5 cm wide

Product information

The Summa S One D120 is a Summa S One cutting plotter for cutting up to a width of 129,5 cm. Many applications can be handled with this cutting plotter, whether it is precision cutting laminated vinyl to flock and flex materials, sandblast films or other challenging material types. The Summa S One D120 is equipped with GoSign software, a durable drag knife cutting head and OPOS X technology for automatic contour cutting of full colour print work.

  • The Summa S One series combines power and precision with an efficient, affordable and fast drag knife cutting head.
  • The OPOS-X contour cutting system allows you to cut printed media with complete confidence and ease.
  • Excellent, reliable cutting quality over longer lengths of material is guaranteed.
view the features of the Summa S One D120 here
drag knife technology

The drag knife technology is the most commonly used technique in the market to process designs. However, depending on the media thickness, some distortions or deviations in the corners may occur by using this technique. This is why Summa S One cutters include enhanced methods to avoid such distortions and optimise the drag movement in order to obtain the best possible cutting quality.


OverCut extends the vector at the beginning and at the end of a curve. This ensures the design is cut through completely. Without the OverCut function, the cut line may not be completely closed, causing difficulties when weeding.


OptiCut, a function specially developed for drag knife cutters, simulates tangential cutting. Due to performance of complex movements, the OptiCut feature compensates for changes in the blade offset, caused by wear and tear. The OptiCut feature ensures the knife is orientated correctly. This revolutionary technology gives you optimal quality during the blade’s lifetime.


The FlexCut feature enables to cut simple designs completely through the material. Alternately, one length is cut completely through the material, and one length is cut halfway through. This way a kind of tear-off line is created, ensuring the material keeps a certain rigidity during transportation through the Summa cutter, while remaining easy to remove from the design afterwards.

material transport

A smooth transportation of the material is undoubtedly one of the most important issues when vinyl cutting. The exclusive Summa MicroSprocket drive drum tracks full rolls without skewing. This way, absolute cutting accuracy is guaranteed up to 8 meters in length, enabling to cut long or various designs subsequently without the need to reload.


The OPOS X feature automatically looks for the cross marks by using a sensor. The possibility to use multiple cross marks is a unique OPOS feature and guarantees the best possible accuracy. The OPOS X sensor even detects registration marks through dense laminated graphics with uneven texture and brings contour cutting to a much higher level.


The OPOS XY alignment method allows to measure a line across the print width, in addition to the OPOS marks. This will automatically adjust media curvature or deformation across the width of the print. The OPOS XY2 alignment method adds an extra measurement line at the rear of the print, allowing to compensate for any changes in print curvature between start and finish of the print job.


The next evolution in OPOS is OPOS Xtra. This alignment mode is designed to handle irregular material deformation over the length of the print by adding additional XY lines between the designs. This increases the accuracy and alignment methodology for smaller stickers.

OPOS Barcode

The barcode reading functionality is a productivity tool, allowing to process multiple jobs without operator intervention. Also, the risk of sending the wrong data to the wrong print no longer exists. The OPOS X sensor reads the barcode and sends the correct job to the computer. The computer returns the matching cutting information which is then processed by the cutter. When the job is finished, the cutter automatically starts looking for the next job and its barcode.

Product specifications
  • Brand
  • Dimensions
    1.615 x 704 x 1.112 mm
  • Weight
    43 kg
  • Cutting range
    1.295 mm
  • Cutting force
    600 gr
  • Speed
    max. 1131 mm/s diagonal
product overview
product overview OPOS
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